Honoring Martha by Dan White

It took a long time–213 years to be exact. But in February 2006, one of Columbia County’s leading women was finally honored for her outstanding achievements. Baptist Women in Ministry honored Martha Stearns Marshall by naming February 2006 and every February...

Letting Go by Tammy Abee Blom

I enjoy preaching. Most of my preaching experience happens as a guest preacher in a colleague’s congregation. The joy is in preparing and offering my gift of words about the Scripture. The struggle is I don’t always know the congregation personally. Awhile back I...

DEAR ADDIE: Does It Fit?

Dear Addie, My seminary life is coming to an end, and I’m starting to interview for ministry jobs.  What are clues to discovering the place where I need to be?  Will I “just know” whether or not it is a fit? Almost, M.Div.   Dear Almost, M.Div., Congratulations!...

There’s Plenty by Tammy Abee Blom

After the holidays, many of us can easily voice with conviction all of the behaviors and mannerisms of our families that annoy us. Clarity of faults is the product of being with family over the holidays. However, I returned from my family’s gathering with gratitude...