God Does Call Women by Christine Jones

God Does Call Women by Christine Jones

Though I grew up attending a Baptist church, my parents came to the Baptist tradition from a different background. We did not know certain things that others seemed to know. We did not know, or perhaps more accurately, I did not know, that in my Baptist church women...
I Can Take My Glasses Off by Robin Drake

I Can Take My Glasses Off by Robin Drake

I give to BWIM because with BWIM, I can take my glasses off. At church, I wear a pair of progressive glasses so that I am not looking over my reading glasses to see someone or having to take my glasses on and off as needed. I keep my glasses on all the time at church....
I Almost Gave Up on Ministry by Jennifer Bashaw

I Almost Gave Up on Ministry by Jennifer Bashaw

I give monthly to support Baptist Women in Ministry because I know how difficult it is to answer and understand a call to ministry as a woman. I first felt a call to ministry in high school but, because I was raised in a Southern Baptist context, I received little to...