Mar 12, 2014 | Being a Minister, Encouraging Words, Motherhood and Ministry
It was the fall of 1984. If the building were still standing, I could show you the exact place. It was a Sunday afternoon and I was home from college for the weekend. I was having lunch at a local restaurant with my dad after church. For some reason, that was the time...
Dec 6, 2012 | +Pam Durso, Motherhood and Ministry
I recently attended the Baptist Women in Ministry of Georgia fall gathering—and had a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends and to visit with some folks I seldom get to see. I had fun sharing about my work and the exciting days ahead. But the highlight for me was...
Sep 8, 2012 | Being a Minister, Motherhood and Ministry
I made a promise over the summer. I promised I would iron appliqués on the girls’ backpacks to celebrate the new school year. The girls and I shopped for the appliqués, and I stored them in the pockets of the backpacks and promptly forgot about them. Then I had sinus...
Aug 31, 2012 | Finding God in the Everyday, Motherhood and Ministry
As the summer began, my girls and I visited my sister and her new baby. Cooking dinner is one of the standard gifts for new moms, so the girls and I prepared grilled chicken, boiled new potatoes, and fresh cantaloupe. I had promised myself I would keep the menu simple...
May 14, 2012 | Being the Church, Motherhood and Ministry
When I was a child, my mother cut red roses from her garden and pinned them on our church clothes. We, her five children, wore red roses, and she wore a white one. She explained the wearing of roses was to honor our mothers both living and deceased. As an...
Apr 27, 2012 | Being a Minister, Motherhood and Ministry
“You cannot make her eat,” said the pediatrician. I am certain I looked at her as if she had grown a second head. With my toddler, Eve, in tow, I had come for my well child visit and just rattled off a laundry list of ways I was trying to prompt a defiant toddler to...