I give monthly to support Baptist Women in Ministry because I know how difficult it is to answer and understand a call to ministry as a woman.
I first felt a call to ministry in high school but, because I was raised in a Southern Baptist context, I received little to no support until seminary. There were several times on my path where I almost gave up on ministry because I did not have the guidance that I needed to understand my calling or to fulfill it. Thankfully, with the support of my husband and a few dedicated pastors and professors, I persevered.
Now, I have the amazing privilege of teaching undergraduate students who plan on serving in ministry. Half of my students are young women, many from rural Baptist churches, and they are exploring their callings and passion for ministry in a context that continues to present challenges for women. The leadership, support, and guidance that BWIM provides ensures that my students will have what they need to pursue the difficult (and rewarding!) path ahead of them.
Thank you, BWIM, for providing opportunities for my students that I never had!—Jennifer Bashaw is assistant professor of New Testament and Christian Ministry, Campbell University, Buies Creek, North Carolina
Baptist Women in Ministry currently has 123 individuals, churches, and organizations that give monthly to our work. We would love to have 140 monthly supporters, and we hope to add seventeen more donors to our giving list this week! Small monthly gifts of $10 or $20 or larger monthly gifts of $50 or $75 make a significant difference! Join Jennifer in being a monthly giver!