I grew up in a ministry family. I have always been a minister but was not called that for a long time. When I was young the church told women we were called to be some things, but not ministers. I “ministered” in my school classroom and in children’s choirs and handbells. I knew what I did was important, but I thought that was all I could do.
I was called to be minister of music at my church fifteen years ago. They recognized the minister in me, and they knew that women were called, also. It is a progressive and loving congregation. I am grateful for them.
Two years ago I received a call from Pam Durso. She was planning a conference for women, by women, to talk about all facets of a minister. She asked me to talk about financial well-being. I was intrigued by the idea and said yes. That was my first real step inside Baptist Women in Ministry. It was the Leading Women Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee.
We met together; young and old, experienced and novice, teachers and learners, and all seeking to live out our callings. We worshipped, talked, listened, explored, and fellowshipped. We heard from women from different places and stages in their lives. We talked about how to pay off student loans and how to negotiate for a salary. We heard about women struggling to find a place and those who were thriving in their ministry. I loved that there were seminary presidents and chaplains, teachers and counselors, pastors and bi-vocational ministers. It was a holy time.
I began to see that BWIM was interested in the whole minister, not just the pastor who preached each Sunday. BWIM was interested in the children’s minister who needed a network. The minister who just graduated and wanted to work with a mentor. The part-time minister looking to balance work and ministry. All types of women in ministry are recognized and supported. BWIM applauds the gifts of women as we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
My husband and I decided to support BWIM monthly. It is our way to acknowledge that women can lead. It is our way to take part in the good work that is done. It is our way to encourage women as they seek to follow God’s calling, wherever it might take them.—Beth C. Parker is minister of music, First Baptist Church, Middlesboro, Kentucky and a financial advisor with JWParker Financial Services
Baptist Women in Ministry currently has 123 individuals, churches, and organizations that give monthly to our work. We would love to have 140 monthly supporters, and we hope to add seventeen more donors to our giving list this week! Small monthly gifts of $10 or $20 or larger monthly gifts of $50 or $75 make a significant difference!