Over the past year and a half, the list of things I am thankful for has changed and grown. When expressing thanks, I often find myself using the phrase “it’s the little things.” Those things that are often overlooked, often brushed past or unnoticed have felt like milestones in this church starting journey. I want to share a few of those things with you. . . .
- When I hear someone at The Well say “our church” or “we need to . . . ” (reminds me that we are in this together, something I find very comforting!)
- Hugs from friends who are glad to see me
- The encouragement of those who follow this blog, and share their own insights through email, in person or by commenting
- The sharing of fresh insights into the story of scripture (“I’ve never thought of it this way before, but…”)
- The realization of what we can do if we each share a small amount (from great potluck dinners to providing for a neighbor in need)
- A place to meet that immediately felt like “home” to us
- People eager to partner and “plot goodness” with us
- Words like “next year, we should…” (reminds me that a faith community has taken shape and is anticipating the future – thanks be to God!)
- Countless impromptu conversations with strangers who quickly became friends
- The helpful hands of family and friends (including parents who care for our children after school at least one afternoon every week!)
- Kevin’s words when he gets home from work almost every single night: “I’m always glad to get home to my family.” (this time last year, he was still commuting from Atlanta!)
It’s all of these little things that add up to one big sense of awareness that God is with me/us on the journey. I pray for greater awareness of these not-so-small reminders, and for the wisdom to pause and give thanks.
Susan Rogers is pastor of The Well, a church plant in Jacksonville, Florida. This post is from her blog, “Losing and Finding.”