I am always grateful for the many churches that have nurtured my faith, affirmed my calling, and supported my work. But in this season of Thanksgiving, I am most grateful for one church: Beulah Baptist Church in Devereux, Georgia.

Beulah is a pretty remarkable church. In 2016, the congregation will celebrate its 225th anniversary! The longevity of the church and its continued commitment to gathering for worship is cause for much celebration. AND the vision and the generosity of Beulah is also reason to celebrate.

Beulah is a small, rural church. Their building is not very big. There are no Sunday School rooms, no fellowship hall, no air conditioner. They have only a sanctuary, one that is beautiful in its simplicity.  A few years ago church members did raise money and add running water, and they built a separate bathroom facility, which they call the “outhouse.” Beulah is also small in number. There are a few dozen people who attend, and they meet only twice a month.

For those who think that church size matters and that big buildings and large attendance are the keys to “successful” church life, Beulah would certainly be overlooked or ignored. But as a member of a small church myself, let me tell you that God does great work in and through the smallest of congregation, and God is doing great work through Beulah.

About fifteen years ago, the congregation realized that the church’s financial needs were few, and they looked at their bank account and saw that they had money “just sitting in the bank.” After some discussion, the congregation decided that their money was God’s money and that “just sitting in the bank” money should be sent back into the world. The next Sunday church members received blank ballots and were asked to write down missions and ministries that they wanted to support. They then voted on which missions and ministries to send money to, AND they decided that every six months they would repeat this process.

Over the past fifteen years, Beulah has helped individuals in need, paying rent and power bills, helping with medical expenses, and providing food. Beulah has sent money to Helping Hands of Hancock County, Maranatha Homeless Shelter, the S.A.F.E and domestic violence programs, Samaritan Ministry, Meals on Wheels, Appalachian missionaries, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and yes, Baptist Women in Ministry!  In that fifteen years, the church has sent out more than $300,000.00 to ministries and to people in need. Yes, you read that right. This small, rural church has sent out $300,000.00 to bless the world, to help with God’s work in their community and around the globe. This small church has sent out this huge amount, while only spending $36,000.00 on their own needs.

Generosity, big-hearted, selfless generosity seems to be a rarity in this world, but Beulah Baptist Church, more than any other church I know, lives out the spirit of Christian generosity in ways that inspire me to give, to share, to sent out what I have to bless God’s world.

This Thanksgiving season, I am thankful, so very thankful for the good gift that is Beulah Baptist Church and for their pastor, Genie Hargrove! Blessings on you, our friends, as you prepare to celebrate 225 years as a community of faith!