Supporting Women in Ministry

BWIM offers a variety of programs and resources to support women as they pursue their ministry calling.
BWIM Mentoring Program
Baptist Women in Ministry’s Mentoring Program offers new ministers and ministers serving in a new context an opportunity to participate in 18 months of intentional mentoring with a seasoned Baptist minister and a group of peers.

Sisters of Solidarity
BWIM’s mentoring program designed to meet the unique needs of women of the global majority serving in Baptist ministry.
Peer Community Groups
BWIM’s Peer Community Groups are an opportunity for Baptist women who are in congregational or non-congregational ministry to connect with and learn from one another.

Addie Davis Scholarship
The Addie Davis Scholarships provide financial support for Baptist women enrolled in seminary to pursue a calling to ministry and leadership. The scholarship is named in honor of Rev. Addie Davis, the first woman ordained to pastoral ministry by a Southern Baptist Church in 1964.
Shared Learning Experiences
Opportunities to learn and engage in continuing education experiences that are created by women to meet the unique needs of women including, but not limited to, Book Clubs and Lunch & Learns.

State and Regional BWIM Groups
Find contact information for the state and regional BWIM groups throughout the country.