When I became a seminarian, I had never met an ordained Baptist woman. I did not know there was such a person. So, when God called me to full-time vocational ministry, I was mystified. I did not know where to begin looking for support, information, colleagues, or mentors. While I was greatly surprised by my calling and the circumstances in which I found myself, I can look back at my story and see that God was never surprised. In my home congregation, which had never ordained a woman, there were two strong, godly women who nurtured my infant-like dream of being a minister. They prayed for me, listened to me, and most importantly championed for me with the leaders and members of the congregation. With their help, I was able to stand firm in my answer to God’s call. The congregation was able to ordain me, affirming my gifts of ministry. I give to Baptist Women in Ministry in honor of my champions, Carol and Linda, and in hopefulness for all the young Baptist women God is calling. May they hear God’s voice as they step into a future surrounded by other Baptist women as supporters, colleagues, and mentors.

Pam Foster is the director of pastoral care at Cook Children’s Medical Center, Fort Worth, Texas.

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