One evening last fall our youngest daughter, Kinsey, turned and proclaimed to us out of the blue, “Mom, Dad, did you know that boys can do anything girls can do?”

No, we did not teach her to say this.

And we also didn’t train or coach our oldest daughter, Hallie, to advocate for her right to participate in our church’s RA racer competition (she won best design last year).

I assume they both just picked it up by osmosis.

Our family gives to Baptist Women in Ministry because we want to support an organization that makes our daughters, and their unassuming belief that girls and boys can and should have the same opportunities, no longer the exception to the rule.

We believe in BWIM’s ability to shape the future of Baptists. And we want our two daughters to always be able to find Baptist churches where they are told with words and actions that they have equal value in God’s community.

We give to BWIM because we believe in the work it does . . . and because we believe in Hallie and Kinsey.

Fifty More! Baptist Women in Ministry currently has fifty individuals, churches, and organizations that give monthly to our work. This week we hope to add fifty more monthly givers to that list! Monthly gifts provide dependable income for our work and allow BWIM to continue being an advocate, a network, and a connection for Baptist women ministers! Small monthly gifts of $10 or $20 or larger monthly gifts of $50 or $75 make a significant difference! We invite you to join Meredith and her family as monthly givers and to be one of Fifty More by filling out the form below.


Meredith Stone is instructor of Christian ministry and scripture and director of ministry guidance at Hardin-Simmons University’s Logsdon School of Theology. She lives in Abilene, Texas, with her husband, James, and two really fun daughters.