With misty eyes and a half-consumed cup of coffee, I leaned in and said the words, “You are a minister. You are called.” It would take the rest of my cup of coffee to comfort my young, female minister friend as she took in the gravity of my statement. These are familiar words that I often repeat to myself. They were said to me, in much the same fashion, by my trusted friends and mentors. All ministers, perhaps particularly women ministers, face challenges and difficulties in the midst of discerning calling and beyond, and need to hear “You are a minister. You are called.”

Sources of wisdom and encouragement are vital to the successful pursuit of a life lived in ministry. Baptist Women in Ministry has provided me with that life source and for that I am eternally grateful. Connections created because of the ministry of BWIM have sustained me in ways that I never could have imagined. These treasured people cry with me through life’s difficulties, challenge me to embrace and live out my calling, and celebrate with me in sweet moments of ministry.

This time last year I made a commitment to be a BWIM monthly giver. My commitment has caused me to be more invested in the work of BWIM and to seek ways that I can be involved. My husband and I make room in our budgets and in our lives for things that matter. BWIM matters. Women around the world need someone present in their lives to lean in and mutter the words, “You are a minister. You are called.”

Fifty More! Baptist Women in Ministry currently has fifty individuals, churches, and organizations that give monthly to our work. This week we hope to add fifty more monthly givers to that list! Monthly gifts provide dependable income for our work and allow BWIM to continue being an advocate, a network, and a connection for Baptist women ministers! Small monthly gifts of $10 or $20 or larger monthly gifts of $50 or $75 make a significant difference! We invite you to join Sarah as a monthly giver and to be one of Fifty More by filling out the form below.

Sarah Greenfield is Pastor of University Students at First Baptist Church, Abilene, Texas.