Every Friday Baptist Women in Ministry introduces an amazing woman minister, and today we are thrilled to introduce you to Mollie Palmer.
Mollie, tell us about where and how are you currently serving in ministry and where you have previously served.
I am currently serving as the director of Together For Hope Arkansas. Together For Hope is the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s long term commitment to domestic rural poverty. The work of Together For Hope touches high poverty communities in four regions across the United States—the Appalachia/Atlantic, Delta/Black Belt, Rio Grande Valley and High Plains of South Dakota. The work looks different in each of these sites, because the communities served are very different.
Our work in Phillips County, Arkansas, focuses on youth development and literacy. We partner with local and outside churches and organizations to identify and utilize the assets of our community for long term, sustainable development.
What do you love best about your ministry?
One of my favorite things that Anne Lamott says is, “Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.”
I have had the chance to walk with some amazing young people as they have discovered what they are good at and begun to see how God can use their gifts in the world. We really believe in the power of service. We believe that when a teenage girl goes to work for her community, she sees it with new eyes. Hope begins there. Connecting with a kid in swim camp gives a teenager or college student hope—and a vision of what is possible for their community. Building community with other young people who are willing to serve gives them the opportunity to trade ideas and make plans for the future. I get to be a part of empowering local youth as they stubbornly show up and work and refuse to give up on their home.
Who was the first woman minister you ever met?
Carmen Byrd. Carmen grew up in my home church and served our youth group during an interim while I was in junior high.
What is the best ministry advice you have ever received?
Rest. This work does not depend on you—it depends on God working through you. God is big enough to continue working so that you can take time to rest and regain your energy and perspective.