Ircel HarrisonThe annual meeting of Baptist Women in Ministry at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly is always a bit bittersweet for me.  We celebrate those who have made sacrifices to further the cause of women in ministry, we applaud those who are making significant contributions now, and we recognize young women who show promise as ministers.  But I always come away thinking, “We are so far from where we should be.”

Someone once told me that “women in ministry” was a settled issue for Fellowship Baptists.  I agree that most of us in the Fellowship movement believe that every person—female or male—should be encouraged and equipped to her or his personal gifts in ministry, but the reality is something else.  We talk a better game than we practice.

Until women have an equal opportunity to serve in any ministry setting—pulpit, staff, agency leader—without question or hesitation, the issue is not “settled.”

When Pam Durso issued the challenge of BWIM 360—a donation of $30 each month to support BWIM– at the annual meeting in 2013, there was no hesitation on my part to make this commitment.

BWIM is the only organization in Fellowship life (and in most of Baptist life) advocating for the full involvement of women in ministry.  Through networking, information, continuing education, and advocacy, BWIM takes the initiative to further this vital mission.

The job is not done! Get on board and support BWIM financially every month.

Baptist Women in Ministry welcomes you to be one of our monthly givers! Monthly gifts provide dependable income for our work and allow BWIM to continue being an advocate, a network, and a connection for Baptist women ministers! Small monthly gifts of $10 or $20 or a larger monthly gifts of $50 or $75 make a significant difference!

Ircel Harrison is coaching coordinator at Pinnacle Leadership Associates and supplemental faculty, ministry praxis for Central Baptist Theological Seminary. He lives in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  

To join Ircel Harrison in supporting BWIM by becoming a monthly giver, fill out the form below
