Every Friday, Baptist Women in Ministry features a fabulous minister on our blog. Today we are pleased to share this interview with Liz Britt. Liz IS what a minister looks like.

Tell us about your ministry journey and the places and ways you have served and are serving.

I began my ministry journey during the summer of 2014 when I became a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Student.Church intern at my church. During that first summer I heard my call into ministry, and even though it took me two years to fully accept that calling I am grateful to my home church of New Hope Baptist Church, Raleigh, North Carolina, for taking a chance on me.

The next two summers I continued to serve New Hope through Student.Church and struggled with what the next steps for me were going to be. Finally, I decided to apply to go to Campbell University Divinity School.

When I started divinity school, I also started working with the Cooperative Baptist Student Fellowship (CBSF) of the Raleigh Area. CBSF is currently at many colleges across North Carolina, but I was lucky enough to start working with CBSF Raleigh when it first began. We have grown into a group with a consistent place to meet, a wonderful student leadership team, and students who are committed to being in community together. The past three years at CBSF have truly showed me a new love for working with college students as they seek to find what their faith truly means. It has been an honor for me to watch them learn and grow spiritually, and I know that they are going to do great things for this world.

Currently, I am serving with University Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana as the summer ministry intern. I am working mainly with the youth but will have opportunities to do other things as well, including preaching. I have already learned so many things from UBC and am thankful for their willingness to have me on staff this summer.

What have been your greatest sources of joy in ministry?

I have learned that my story is one of the strongest things about me, and it always brings me joy when I get to learn about other people’s stories and see their strength. Ministry is vulnerable, and when someone allows me into their story, I listen. Some of the best moments I can think of during my ministry revolve around the times when people have gathered together and shared about themselves. Whether that be in the girls’ bunk room on a mission trip, the lounge at Campbell Divinity School, or around the campfire at a CBSF fall retreat. Being in a space that allows people to share with each other is one of the greatest joys to me as a minister.

What have been the greatest challenges you have encountered in ministry?

Many of my challenges have revolved around my worry that I will fall short of what I am being called to do. It can be intimidating to young ministers, especially Baptist women, to fully lean into their call. I avoided fully committing myself to my calling because I was scared that I was going to fail and let people down. Even now, with so many wonderful people in my corner, I am still facing the challenges that come with this worry. Strong women in my life have showed me that I am worth the call I have answered from God, and I continue to remember that in all that I do.

What advice would you give to a young girl in your congregation who might be sensing a call into ministry?

I would say to embrace that calling. Know your worth and your strength. Know that if you truly feel God is calling you to ministry then that is what truly matters. It is okay to question what your calling is or where it may lead, but I would encourage young girls and women to trust the calling always. It’s always an interesting ride, but know your talents and remember that God will guide you the entire way. I would also say to find a female mentor to help them discern. The women in my life have played invaluable roles in my journey of calling and ministry, and I would encourage other young women and girls to find that support system as well.