We are your children.
You know each one of us, and in our uniqueness you name us;
then you call us together and shape us into family.
You raise us up in the way we should go.
You ask us to grow up and to grow together.
You bring mothers and fathers,
brothers and sisters to walk your way alongside us.
Although this life together may not be easy,
teach us to be true companions,
seeking your kingdom, living your desires,
being your body.
As we turn a new page in our family story,
open our hearts to welcome all who are called
and all who simply come,
just as you have welcomed us.
Thank you
for making room for us all
inside your house.
–Nikki Finkelstein-Blair, from her sermon “The Apple and the Tree” in The World is Waiting for You: Celebrating the 50th Ordination Anniversary of Addie Davis.