Baptist Women in Ministry currently has 123 individuals, churches, and organizations that give monthly to our work. We would love to have 140 monthly supporters, and we hope to add seventeen more donors to our giving list! Monthly gifts provide dependable income for Mentoring Program! Small monthly gifts of $10 or $20 or larger monthly gifts of $50 or $75 make a significant difference! Read Megan’s story about how important the Mentoring Program has been for her, and join her in giving monthly to BWIM!

About every month I sign into a Zoom call with four other Baptist women ministers to share in a devotional, hear updates from one another, and exchange advice, encouragement, or a “Oh, wow, that is really hard.”

Through Baptist Women in Ministry’s Mentoring Program I have gained and developed relationships with these outstanding women, who were initially classified as “Out-of-the-Box” ministers. Over the course of our year-plus relationship we have grown further into our vocational callings in ministry with the support of one another.

The BWIM Mentoring Program has become a valuable resource and support to me as I have navigated a number of challenges and successes since early 2017. Having this regular time to be mentored and supported has allowed me a safe space to process life’s and ministry’s significant moments. These four women have borne witness to my pain and my celebrations, which has spurred me on in my work as a chaplain to bear witness to those I encounter each and every day in the clinical context.

Knowing I have a place to seek refuge in the midst of ministry through the BWIM Mentoring Program is invaluable. While I have other circles of support, my group has offered a sanctuary in which I can relate to other women in ministry who “get it.” It is in this safe space that I can be real with others who are rooting for me, challenging me, and celebrating with me. Thank you, Baptist Women in Ministry.

Megan Pike (second from the right) is resident chaplain at Baptist Health-Little Rock, Little Rock, Arkansas.