BWIM by the Numbers by Pam Durso

BWIM by the Numbers by Pam Durso

September was a busy BWIM month! We kicked off our inaugural Come to the Table event, inviting Baptist women ministers to gather for conversation and a meal or coffee AND to share a photo of their time around the table. These gatherings are, of course, more than a...
The Place of Abundance by Pam Durso

The Place of Abundance by Pam Durso

You may have noticed that last week was Giving Week for Baptist Women in Ministry. Every August we do a week-long campaign, calling for new monthly givers. We share multiple testimonials every day through our enewsletter and on our blog, testimonials written by our...
The Words of Carolyn by Pam Durso

The Words of Carolyn by Pam Durso

Last Wednesday, June 19, Baptist women and men filled the sanctuary at Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. All of us knew the story of the church. We knew about the bombing that had taken place on September 15, 1963. We knew that white supremacists...
Disappointment in Ministry by Pam Durso

Disappointment in Ministry by Pam Durso

On the night that he was betrayed, Jesus invited his disciples to go with him to the Garden of Gethsemane and there instructed them to stay alert while he prayed. When he returned to them, he found them asleep. “Could you not keep watch for one hour?” (Mark 14:37) As...